Q4 2023 Update on Executive Appointments & Executive Openings

Lead5 tracks executive openings and executive appointments for leading US based companies. Analysis for Lead5 for Q4 of 2023 shows executive appointments finished the year on a solid pace and up significantly year-over-year from Q4 of 2022. Q4 YOY numbers for executive opportunities were up 52% from Q4 2022 and executive appointments were up 47%. 

In total, 2023 executive opportunities were up 45% from 2022 which remains a low point since Lead5 started tracking annual numbers. We did not see any softening of the market in Q4 of 2023 and the strong bounce back in the overall numbers from 2022 to 2023 bodes well for a strong start to Q1 of 2024. 

The first of the year is a great time to engage with a pro-active strategy for your executive career. Join Lead5 today to stay connected to ever-changing market intel from the Lead5 community. Familiarize yourself with the Indicators of Management ChangesNegotiating Executive CompensationHow to Best Approach Executive RecruitersHow to Best Approach In-House Corporate RecruitersAdvice for Resignations, and Sample Email Templates to Send Direct to Hiring Managers.