Saving Search Queries in Lead5

Lead5 tracks the appointments and departures of C-level executives at over 40,000 public companies using public data sources and intel from the Lead5 network. The Lead5 brand is built around the five main filters by which an executive views his or her career: Industry, Function, Region, Ownership, and Market Cap. 

This is the second in a series of videos designed to empower Lead5 members to discover intel and opportunities relevant to their career journey. Saving Search Queries in Lead5

How to Search Opportunities Using My5 Jobs

Lead5 tracks the appointments and departures of C-level executives at over 40,000 public companies using public data sources and intel from the Lead5 network. The Lead5 brand is built around the five main filters by which an executive views his or her career: Industry, Function, Region, Ownership, and Market Cap. 

This is the first in a series of videos designed to empower Lead5 members to discover intel and opportunities relevant to their career journey. How to Search Opportunities Using My5 Jobs

Q3 2023 Update on Executive Appointments & Executive Openings

Lead5 tracks executive openings and executive appointments for leading US based companies. Analysis for Lead5 for Q3 of 2023 shows executive appointments were down 7% from Q2 and Q3 executive opportunities were up 3% over Q2 2023. The YOY numbers remained elevated as Q3 opportunities tracked were up 47% over Q3 2022. Executive appointments for Q3 YOY were up 13% over Q3 2022 numbers. 

What does this all mean? While executive movement tracked by Lead5 remains below pre-pandemic levels 2023 is shaping up to be a solid year for executive opportunities and appointments. Q3 in 2023 has held steady at a similar rate to Q2. We will continue to monitor the numbers to see if there is any evidence of softening of the market in Q4 as we did notice a slight downtick in the numbers for September 2023. 

Now is a great time to research and prepare a pro-active strategy for your next executive career move. Join Lead5 today to stay connected to ever-changing market intel from the Lead5 community. Familiarize yourself with the Indicators of Management ChangesNegotiating Executive CompensationHow to Best Approach Executive RecruitersHow to Best Approach In-House Corporate RecruitersAdvice for Resignations, and Sample Email Templates to Send Direct to Hiring Managers.

First Half of 2023 Update on Executive Appointments & Executive Openings

Lead5 tracks executive openings and executive appointments for leading US based companies. Analysis for Lead5 for the first half of 2023 (Q1 + Q2) executive appointments were up 58% YoY.  First half of 2023 executive opportunities were up 42% YoY from the first half of 2022. The second half of 2022 was flat for executive opportunities compared to the first half of 2022, so the 2023 numbers show a significant jump in overall executive hiring activity. Executive hiring is often a leading indicator for the overall health of the economy. We will continue to monitor the Lead5 data set to see if this upward trajectory continues through Q3 and Q4 of 2023. 

Now is a great time to research and prepare a pro-active strategy for your next executive career move. Join Lead5 today to stay connected to ever-changing market intel from the Lead5 community. Familiarize yourself with the Indicators of Management ChangesNegotiating Executive CompensationHow to Best Approach Executive RecruitersHow to Best Approach In-House Corporate Recruiters, and Sample Email Templates to Send Direct to Hiring Managers.

Introducing the Next Generation of Lead5

We created Lead5 to empower executives with traditionally hidden opportunities and career advancing intel. Today we’re excited to announce the next generation of Lead5, with a new and improved user experience and more complete functionality than ever before to help executives manage the lifecycle of their executive journey. 

The next generation Lead5 platform provides:

  • Access to verified and potential leads for thousands of executive jobs.
  • Tracking of PE firms and PE deals that often indicate leadership changes.
  • Search project functionality to build target company lists, access the Lead5 recruiter database, follow executive moves, and build/save customized queries.
  • Easier to navigate saved items feature that replaces the legacy Lead5 playbook.
  • Full work email contact information for thousands of companies and corporate executives. 
  • More seamless integration of the Lead5 Community for members to share opportunity leads, add comments, invite peers, and contribute to trending market discussions. 

You can access all these features and more by logging into Lead5 for the new and improved user experience. If you have any questions or feedback we’d love to hear from you, email us at or take advantage of Lead5’s complementary career consultations where we can demo the next generation of Lead5! 

Lead5 Community Analytics – Indicators of Management Changes

After 20 plus years in executive recruiting you start to see a pattern of reasons for leadership changes. Here are a few of the most common indicators:

New PE Deal – A public company is looking to shed a non-core division and sells the “carve-out” business to a private equity firm. These deals always seem to work out very well for the new financial sponsors and this deal announcement is an almost certain trigger to build a new leadership team.

Newly Appointed CEO – A new CEO is announced and within 12 to 18 months on average more than half of the leadership team will be replaced. This concept works one-level down as well. A new CFO will have a new financial officer team within 12 to 18 months, etc.

Late-Stage VC Investment – A start-up company receives a late-stage VC investment of $50 million. At this point, the company starts to fully build out the infrastructure and regulatory framework needed to achieve its growth and strategic goals. Think of roles like Chief Accounting Officer, Chief Risk Officer, General Counsel, and Chief People Officer as roles that are often upgraded or established post a large late-stage VC funding round.

Company Emerging from Chapter 11 – The team that takes a company through chapter 11, the turn-around group, is not the same leadership team that focuses on growth post emergence.

Company Caught Flat-Footed – Julie is a star Chief Marketing Officer for BlueVision Tech Corp. She is identified and recruited away to become the CEO of a well-funded VC backed start-up. BlueVision Tech is caught flat-footed and quickly commences a search for Julie’s replacement as the internal team is not yet ready for promotion.

New Stage of Growth – Building a company from idea stage/pre-revenue to $1 to $5 million in revenue is a unique skill, as is scaling a company from $5 million to $20 million + in revenue. Here are the most common revenue hurdles where a new type of leadership is needed for the scale involved:

  • Pre-revenue to $5 million
  • $5 million to $20 million
  • $20 million to $50 million
  • $50 million to $300 million
  • $300 million to $1 billion
  • $1 billion to $10 billion
  • $10 billion +

Did you know the Lead5 Platform identifies these types of scenarios combined with the crowd-sourcing power of the Lead5 community to uncover hidden opportunities and companies you should be pro-actively networking with?

Join today and discover the power of the Lead5 Community to help advance your executive career!

Want to learn more? Join the market discussion on Lead5 here:

Executive Outlook – September 2020

On September 4, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that unemployment has continually declined since the jobless peak spurred by the covid-19 lock down measures in March.  Lead5’s recent analysis of executive appointments shows a gradual improvement in the c-level job market, and we will continue to monitor and report on these trends as executive hiring is historically an early indicator of overall employment.

A discussion point in the Lead5 Executive Community is what executives should be doing now to increase their marketability.   The good news is that there are proactive measures that executives can deploy that are proven to be effective in any market.   The key is developing an action plan and sticking to it.

Executives: Be Proactive and Discover New Opportunities

See what Lead5 members are saying about the market and join the conversation:

Boost Your Executive Opportunities by 200%

Boosting your executive opportunities by 200% is easier than you think.

Are you an executive who is seeking ways to increase your market exposure?   The good news is that it’s easier than you think.   From placing top executives in leading firms for over two decades, here is a trap to avoid and a tactic that is proven to work:

  • Trap to avoid: many execs I consult with rely solely on their own professional network to seek new opportunities or they select a few executive recruiters they have come in contact with over the years.  While it’s smart for you to tap into this network, you must realize that this represents only a small fraction of available opportunities.
  • Best method: I emphasize to my executive clients the need to be proactive.  This means researching and discovering the companies and opportunities that fit your background and marketing yourself directly to those company’s key contacts. It also means marketing yourself to the relevant industry or functional practice sector consultants at all the major, regional, and boutique executive search firms, not just the select firms you know from the past.
  • How can you start today? My company Lead5 offers comprehensive lists of companies that you can filter by position, region, company size, industry, and ownership structure.  This list, combined with Lead5’s intel of executive departures, yields companies that are strong candidates for your outreach. Lead5 also maintains an executive recruiter database of the leading US-based retained search consultants for firms of all sizes, sortable by the Lead5 filters.
  • Start small, think big. If you deployed this proactive methodology, even sending only one outreach per week, you are exponentially increasing your chances of being discovered.

To wrap this up, I encourage you to take a proactive role in your career.   This is the best way to maximize your value in the marketplace.  I see too many executives waiting on a phone call from a recruiter or over-relying on their own professional network.   By expanding your comfort zone, you are positioning yourself for career growth and stability.

Harness Lead5’s Company Lists to Boost Your Career Opportunities


Did you know Lead5 has a unique company list feature that you will not find online or with any other database?   For these lists, Lead5 focuses on US based companies that are actively recruiting executive level talent because these are the companies that are seeking the men and women who comprise the Lead5 member base.

As a busy executive, you probably don’t realize how many companies in your area are seeking executive-level professionals.   That’s because every area has a handful of well-known companies, but there are many high-growth and successful companies that often fall under the radar.   Additionally, most executive jobs are hidden or unlisted.  At Lead5, we strive to provide you with company lists that give you the full picture of the companies hiring executives in your particular function and region.   This empowers your ability to conduct proactive outreach, putting you in the driver seat of your next career move.

Here’s an example of how you can use Lead5’s company lists:

Let’s say you are a healthcare-focused CFO who wants to remain in Atlanta.  There are 27 companies in the Lead5 database when you filter for region ‘Atlanta’ and select industry ‘Healthcare Services + HealthTech’ that are private equity backed, and another 17 that are privately held with no institutional backing.  Do research and become familiar with those companies. Learn about the cultures of those companies through networking.  If you have been in the same market for some time, you will be amazed at how quickly you can connect with someone who knows the inside story or culture of the company.

Lead5 also shows you that 6 private equity deals have taken place in the last 12 months in the Atlanta market in Healthcare Services + HealthTech. Did you know that when a PE firm acquires a majority stake in a new company, that 70% of the time they replace the CFO within 12 months of the deal? PE deals are important hiring indicators for most C-level functions.

What about a newly appointed CEO? New CEOs will likely restructure their leadership team within the first 12 months on the job. With Lead5 you can track and monitor new CEO appointments for companies in your industry and region. Lead5 has recommendations for how to approach a new CEO directly or through networking contacts. Timing is key and Lead5 gives you an edge for how and when to make these connections.

Here is a breakdown of the companies we cover at Lead5:

  • US based public companies traded on NYSE & Nasdaq over $25 million in market cap
  • Private equity backed companies owned by the leading PE firms
  • Venture capital backed companies that have received $25 million or more in funding
  • Inc 5000 high growth companies over $15 mil in revenue in top 40 US metro markets
  • Private companies over $250 million in revenue in top 40 US metro markets

This mix gives our members a broad lens into the executive hiring landscape across company ownership types and market caps, allowing our members to target companies that are perfect fits for their career elevation strategies.

If you have any questions about how to yield the most value from Lead5 company lists, please email us at or you can email me directly: