My name is Josh Wimberley and for over 2 decades I’ve helped top executives land prominent roles at leading companies. Before founding Lead5, I was Senior Partner and Practice Leader at a leading executive search firm. Both of these experiences have taught me that timing is over half the battle for qualified executive candidates.
Why is timing so important? When an executive leaves a firm, this leaves a hole that must be filled, and the sooner this role is filled, the better. Candidates must realize that it’s in the firm’s best interest to hire the best, most qualified candidate, quickly. Firms understand that there’s already an inherent learning curve that any executive must scale before being effective, and lengthy hiring processes only exacerbate this hole in executive leadership.
How do you make timing work for you as an executive candidate?
Here’s a few tips I can offer:
1. Perform your outreach as early as possible. Do not wait until the position you seek is flooded with CVs. Have your CV ready to go and understand that services like Lead5 have completely transformed the executive recruiting industry. Lead5 lists executive positions long before comparable services, and Lead5 has more unlisted executive positions than any other competitor.
2. Services like Lead5 will grant you instant access to unlisted executive jobs including the hiring contacts associated with the search. It’s important to review those key contacts and discover if you know these individuals, or if you know someone in your network who can properly introduce you.
3. Be prepared for the firm’s call. Understand their business strategy and how you can help them take their firm to the next level. Also have a picture of what your goal compensation package will look like.
Use Lead5 to uncover hidden executive opportunities and gain the intel required to land your next prominent role. Lead5 has been the executives trusted partner for 5 years.